Let's be honest, in my line of work we don't much get to share our political views - at least not with full honesty. And, really, I'm ok with that. I don't want people to be unable to hear the Gospel because they are too preoccupied with my politics. I would rather have them hear the Gospel, and have it then inform their political decisions (which happens far too infrequently among those who follow Jesus).
That said, this political season in the US has me just about bursting at the seams. Never has an electoral choice seemed so very clear to me - especially for Christians. "Feed my sheep." "Whenever you have done it to the the least of these." What have McCain/Palin ever done for the "least of these" - except for look for ways to squeeze an extra penny out of them for the benefit of big business? The hypocrisy coming out of that campaign is sickening - I will follow up with more later.
I just don't get it, I guess. We have made personal moral choices - areas about which our Scriptures are (at best) ambivelent - into the defining issues for our political debates. Instead of abortion, maybe the candidates could talk about the mess of the housing market. Instead of worrying about who is screwing who in the bedroom, maybe they could address who is getting screwed by our ever-more lopsided economy (as we watch yet another major company fold, while the ceo has a golden parachute). Just an idea.
5 years ago
Preach it!
I saw a comment from you at Mimi's I believe!
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we actually could preach this in more of our pulpits?
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